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ʔaq̓am Community Enterprises Quarterly Update December 31st 2020

Chief and Council Strategic Planning Session – November 13 2020

On Friday November 13th 2020 ACE and Chief & Council held a joint strategic planning session from 9am – 12pm. We discussed strategic priorities now and into the future as ACE begins work on a five-year plan.

ACE will continue working towards completing our five-year strategy based on the conversations that we had with Chief and Council and the ACE Board of Directors on November 13 2020. This was a very valuable session and the intention is to continue coming together for these kind of strategic conversations annually.


ʔaq̓am Trading

ʔaq̓am Trading did well despite the 2020 pandemic, and it looks like we will finish close to our net profit goals for the year. We are very proud of new updates that we have made to our Human Resources Policies to better to take care of our staff. Our intent when we are profitable is to share that success with our employees.

Trading continues to operate with all covid19 protocols in place with the health and safety of our staff and customers top of mind.


D&B Flagging & Traffic Control

D&B flagging and traffic control services performed well financially in 2020 and we continue to drive good revenues in the winter months. D&B continues to grow its opportunities and continues to look at ways to diversify its business portfolio. We continue to update our truck fleet and grow our equipment assets and look forward to a busy and profitable 2021.


Gravel Pit

B/A Blacktop & Terus Inc. operations within our pit have now shut down for the winter. We are now working with D&B Flagging to install moveable fencing around the pit work areas. We will also work on installing a new 8ft x 4ft sign at the entrance of the gravel pit as part of our lease requirements with ʔaq̓am. Further environmental work is now underway to work towards lease compliance in phase areas one and two.


Renewable Forest License

ARLP’s winter contract with Canfor has been approved and is proceeding. We did miss a full harvest this past summer due to covid19 restrictions and wildfire risk. We continue conversations about possible opportunities with British Columbia Timber sales. We also continue to await word from the provincial government on an increase in volume for First Nations within the new provincial proportionment policy.
